调查数字威胁和犯罪的职业? 解决了.
随着网络入侵和数字犯罪变得越来越普遍, 对有经验的计算机取证专业人员的需求正在迅速增长. Tiffin University’s digital forensics program will provide you with the skills needed to improve security features, 追查罪犯, 妥善处理数字证据,出庭作证, 以及与网络防御中心合作的机会 & 法医实践学习和研究的机会.
随着社会走向数字化, 罪犯们也是如此, 恐怖分子和其他对我们社会和国家的威胁. Virtually every crime and many of our most serious national security 威胁 now involve some sort of a digital component. Students looking to pursue a career in digital forensics must stay on the forefront of vulnerabilities, 威胁, and technological advancements to defend against cybercrime and uphold security.
Tiffin University’s digital forensics major will expose you to real-world problems and real-world solutions. 我们的课程是从调查和证据恢复的角度设计的. 项目完成后, you’ll be prepared to take professional certification tests in 数字取证 and Mobile 取证, 让你能立即进入战场.
- The 国家安全局(国家安全局) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have designated Tiffin University as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE).
- 该计划以刑事司法学科为基础, 提供了一个出色的调查概述, 证据, 以及案例准备.
- 这个项目的教授在执法方面有丰富的经验, 军事和数字取证.
- You’ll engage in hands-on learning opportunities utilizing industry leading equipment, such as the Forensic Recovery of Evidence Device (FRED) and the all-fiber 网络防御中心 & 取证.
- All students complete an internship in digital forensics – our interns have been placed at the 美国联邦调查局, 国家安全局, 美国海岸警卫队研究 & 发展中心和国土安全部.
In TU’s digital forensics program, you learn from professors who know of what they teach. 我们的教师有多年的执法经验, 具体来说, 在数字取证和金融欺诈调查方面有丰富经验. 您将由实际执行该工作的专业人士教授.
As part of a professional, real-world program, you’ll gain in-depth knowledge in:
- 刑事调查
- 数字取证
- 数字证据恢复
- 搜索 & 癫痫发作
- 法律问题
- 项目管理
- 当前科技问题
- 开源智能
- 程序上的问题
- 数字证据恢复
- 证据链
- 事件响应
- 调查
- 面试
- 数字取证报告撰写
- 数字取证和移动取证行业认证
在俄亥俄州宣誓成为一名警察, you must successfully complete the 俄亥俄州警官培训学院(OPOTA). Tiffin University partners with Terra State Community College to include the cost of the academy in tuition and can be earned in just one semester.
This unique training academy is state mandated for all police officers and covers firearms, 依法行政, 人际关系, 交通, 巡逻, 开车, 主题控制, 调查, 内乱, 体能调理等方面的执法. Students apply direct, hands-on practice in the crime lab, firing range and police cruisers. 有经验的, 认证讲师和动手应用, 我们的学生在国家认证的考试中始终达到通过率. 一旦该计划的毕业生获得认证, 他们立即有资格获得全职工作.
在TU的数字取证专业,你将参与一个沉浸式的项目. 在课堂上,你将参与到数字取证案例考试中. 你将分组解决案件,反映实际的工作环境. You’ll hear from, and interact with, guest speakers who are working professionals in the field.
你将通过做数字取证来学习数字取证. 作为一个积极的,专业的项目的一部分,你将:
- Utilize our state-of-the-art Forensic Recovery of Evidence Device (FRED) to perform data recovery for individuals or companies that have experienced hardware failure.
- 参加专业会议.
- 参加数字取证比赛.
- 进行在该领域有影响的研究.
- Engage in hands-on labs to understand how tools and techniques are utilized in digital forensics.
- Use tools and techniques learned in labs to solve complex digital forensics cases in a real-world scenario.
- 利用网络防御中心 & 法医实践学习和研究的机会.
- Intern in a professional agency where you’ll experience a real-world, professional work environment.
课程 & 格式
刑事司法学院核心课程= 18学时
数字取证专业= 45小时
午餐校园和在线 & Extended Learning major courses, 3 hours each (to be taken in addition to Criminal Justice Core):
- CDS152网络防御入门- 3小时
- CDS244网络安全- 3小时
- CDS334技术与犯罪- 3小时
- 网络法律和道德- 3小时
- CDS348事件管理- 3小时
- 计算机取证概览- 3小时
- CDS435高级数字取证- 3小时
- CDS491网络防御高级研讨会(w) - 3小时
- CST155操作系统入门- 3小时
- CST201编程入门- 3小时
- CST230网络基础- 3小时
- CST330网络基础设施I - 3小时
- ENF239应用刑事调查和刑事学- 3小时
- ENF293犯罪学(w) - 3小时
- ENF460证据处理- 3小时
总计- 45小时
刑事司法学士总学时= 121
这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.
网络管理与管理(CST230) -本课程提供网络硬件的概述, 关注设计的操作系统和应用程序, implementation and management of the network environment inside an organization.
网络防御简介(CDS152) – This course will provide a foundational overview of the basics of computer network operations, 他们的弱点, the various types of automated network intrusions and some basic defense strategies, 包括纵深防御. Students will become familiar with the differences between major categories of malware, 比如病毒, 蠕虫和特洛伊木马. 安全政策的重要性, 训练有素的员工队伍, and the roles of information technology specialists within organizations will be examined. Rudimentary cryptologic, cryptographic, and Public Key Infrastructure concepts will be introduced.
高级数字取证(CDS435) – This course will discuss advanced digital forensics, 证据, 以及案例准备. 概念将包括Access Data的取证工具包(FTK). 电子取证和法庭证词将被讨论和展示. 学生将了解法医原则的重要性, 法律方面的考虑, 数字证据控制, 以及法医程序的文件. This course will incorporate demonstrations and laboratory exercises to reinforce practical applications of course instruction.
科技与犯罪(CDS334) – This course is a survey of the use and potential of technology in justice agencies. 将审查技术的使用. Criminological theories related to the cyber-crime typologies will be evaluated.
在校园 -提供为期15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月
With the computer and information technology industry projected to add over half a million jobs between 2019 and 2029, 其中很多是信息安全方面的, 数字取证专家应该在未来的IT中发挥至关重要的作用.
- 电脑罪案调查人员
- 计算机取证
- 网络侦探
- 国防部刑事部
- 数字取证分析师
- 数字取证事件响应器
- 数字取证调查员
- 数字取证响应分析师
- 灾难恢复经理
- 美国联邦调查局
- 鉴证电脑主任
- 法医科学技术员
- 法医调查员
- 事件反应者
- 信息安全分析师
- 调查服务
- 研究员/技术员
- 网络取证调查员
- 特勤局特工
- 安全威胁分析师
- 州/地方执法部门
- 科技罪案调查员
虽然获得这样的职位竞争非常激烈, TU校友已经在这些机构工作:
- 高级技术情报中心
- 沙特法郎银行
- 瑞士信贷集团
- FireEye
- Interhack公司
- 执法
- 律师事务所
- 国家安全局(国家安全局)
- 俄亥俄州刑事鉴定调查局
- 俄亥俄州国土安全部
- 俄亥俄州公共安全部
- 属性按向导
- 私营企业
- 私人法医事务所
- 空间X
- S. 特勤处
- 威斯康星州司法部
蒂芬,OH 44883
- 毕业获得行业认证
- 具有丰富的数字取证经验的教师
- 强调现实世界的体验式学习
- 要求专业实习
“我之所以选择天芬大学,是因为它独特的专业和课程. Many universities have your typical IT or Computer Science/ Engineering degree options, 但没有人关注安全问题. Tiffin University was one of the first universities to have a degree focused on cybersecurity studies, as well as opportunities for students to expand their horizons with networking and skill-based competitions such as CTFs. The program has played a key role in helping me obtain my internship where I was able to get the experience I always dreamed of, 终于在毕业前找到了第一份工作. 我一辈子都是赛博龙.”
- Mondays at the Morgue – Ashley Rathbun (`25) and the Franklin County Coroner’s Office
- 博彩平台推荐刑事司法专业学生参加研究竞赛
- Tiffin University’s School of CJSS Hosts Sixth Annual Research Conference and Competition
- Student Scholar All-Stars – Tiffin University Hosts the Annual Academic Honors Ceremony
- 博彩平台推荐将与Ariana Seanor举办杰出系列讲座